An opportunity to meet and learn from colleagues in the clinic, county, academic and non-profit sectors
Over the last several years, there has been an increase in interest from clinics, nonprofits and researchers wanting to integrate promotores into their work. As a result, there are many questions, uncertainties and requests for consultations and work to determine what roles are most relevant for a promotor or community health worker. The goal of this symposium is to facilitate rich discussions to help clarify some of these questions through panel and round table dialogues.
Setting the stage—El Corazon of the Promotor and Community Health Worker
Panel I: Emerging Trends in the Promotor and Community Health Worker Models
Panel II: Exemplary Examples: What Works, Challenges and Solutions
Round Table Discussions: Workforce Challenges and Solutions
Thursday, February 8, 2018 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM PST
Project Concern International (PCI)
US & Border Programs
4305 University Avenue Suite #640
San Diego, CA 92105
Please RSVP by emailing: ana@visionycompromiso.org