Call for Proposals
Annual Conference
Adelante Promotores

Celebrating Health for All
Friday, July 20, 2018
Marina Village Conference Center
Mission Bay Park, 1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 92109
This year we are “Celebrando Salud para Todos—Celebrating Health for All,” the theme of our conference, which focuses on celebrating the achievements and perseverance of our Promotores during times of uncertainty for ALL. The 2018 convening is a time of proud community building, celebrating our work, resiliency and our interconnected well-being. Be part of our story and the progress Promotores will make to advance “Health for All” as a critical component in our country’s journey in achieving health equity.
Workshop proposals will be evaluated on specific criteria, including relevance to theme, diversity, and expertise of presenters.
Areas of Interest:
- CHW core roles competencies or skills
- Mental health, resiliency, substance abuse, opioid addiction, chronic diseases, domestic violence and other health related topics affecting San Diego communities
- Skills and topics building personal capacity of Promotores
Submission Deadline:
March 30th, 2018
Submit application via e-mail to:
For More Information Contact: Nancy Machuca at (619) 520-2147 or at nmachuca@mhasd.org